Who can ride MotoTrials?
Basically anyone capable of managing a motorcycle can have a go at Mototrials. There are classes for all ages and abilities. Mototrials is a fun sport for the entire family !
What do I need to get started?
All you need to get started is a MotoTrials bike, riding gear including a helmet, boots, gloves, along with riding pants and a jersey. Most MotoTrials riders wear an open-face DOT approved helmet however some will wear a full-face design for added protection.
You can begin to practice in your front yard or somewhere there is a small amount of dirt to ride. MotoTrials bikes are very quiet!
Another great suggestion to help you learn is to watch or read videos or books on the basics of MotoTrials. These are available from most dealers in the USA.
If you decide to compete you will need to find a local MotoTrials club in your area as they will have a schedule of events.
Will I need a special license to compete?
Most local events will require a club membership and some may also require an AMA license which can be purchased at most events.
The American Motorcyclists Association (AMA) along with local clubs are the organizations responsible for holding local MotoTrials events across the USA.
How much would I expect to pay to compete?
Most MotoTrials event’s entry fees range between $25.00 – $50.00 per rider depending on the event. If an AMA license is required, they cost roughly $49.00 per year. The AMA provides insurance and many other benefits for riders and clubs.
Where do I find a local Club?
You can find local club information here or on the “Find a Club” tab on this website.
Where do I find a bike?
New MotoTrials bikes are available from authorized dealers across the USA. The brands currently being imported into the US market include Beta, Gas Gas, Ossa, Oset, Scorpa, and Sherco. Manufacturers and Dealers are listed on this site.
For Second-Hand bikes, check out the Classifieds section on this site as well.
Are the bikes expensive?
A new full size MotoTrials bike will range in price between $6500.00 – $8200.00. New youth models are between $999.00-$4600.00 depending on the size and features. Most new riders to the sport will start on a good used MotoTrials bike as they can be purchased for much less and work as great starter bikes to hone your skills.
Are they expensive to maintain?
MotoTrials is one of the least expensive forms of motorsport on the planet. A few dollars for fuel, some basic periodic maintenance (clean air filter, change oil) and some annual maintenance (check suspension linkage bearings, coolant, brake fluid) and you’re pretty much done. Most of the parts needed for your bike will be from falling over.
Where do I find riding gear and accessories?
All of the Sponsoring dealers on this site (their logos are on the left) sell a vast array of riding gear and bits for your bike. Let them know you saw their advertisement here!
Where do I find the date of the next event?
You will first want to join your local club as they will provide a calendar of events in your area. Some events are only on Sundays while others will have an event on Saturday and Sunday.
I’ve seen people ride over huge obstacles – do I need to be able to do that?
Absolutely not! Those Expert riders are a very small percentage of the people who ride MotoTrials – perhaps 5-10%. Most people are quite satisfied with the challenge of easier classes. All local MotoTrials club events will have a class for every riding ability.
Will MotoTrials help my other off-road riding skills?
Absolutely! MotoTrials teaches you proper riding techniques including balance, body position, and many other key elements required in other forms of motorcycle riding. Many of today’s top riders have either competed in MotoTrials or practice at home on a MotoTrials bike. It makes a great “Second Bike”
What is the North American Trials Council?
About the NATC and the U.S.A. NATC National MotoTrial Championship Series
The mission of the NATC, Inc. is to establish and to administer a US National Motorcycle Trials Championship series that will produce a US National MotoTrial Champion.
Included in the mission is the establishment of rules that are used to govern both rider and event. The NATC is in effect the trials arm of the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA). The AMA is the primary sanctioning body for motorcycle sports in the US. The Federation Internationale Motorcycliste (FIM) establishes the rules for world competition in trials and many other motorcycle sports.
The NATC/AMA has produced, for nearly forty years, one of the most professional and well organized national series in the world. The NATC is a forum for national event organizers to represent the interests of the national event sponsoring club and its national riders. The representatives that attend the NATC meeting are chosen by their respective clubs. That selection process is accomplished in any manner the local club feels is appropriate, not dictated by the NATC.
The rider representatives in attendance are prominent members of the trials riding community. The Diplomat or life members of the NATC are not chosen by the NATC, but are initially chosen by their local organization to be the chief organizer of a World Round. Once they have accomplished this tremendous undertaking they are then elevated to the position of Diplomat by the NATC. These particular members of the NATC provide the experience and institutional knowledge necessary to help review and decide on rules and other significant issues impacting the National Trials events and the riders that participate.
The formal structure of the NATC consists of annual election by the NATC Inc. Board of Directors of a Chief Executive Officer, a Chief Operating Officer, and a Chief Financial Officier.
Many of the NATC members make an enormous contribution to the sport by volunteering for one of the NATC jobs. These positions come about through longevity, institutional knowledge, experience, dedication, demeanor, purpose, and any combination of these traits. If you see something that needs to be done to help the series, please contact NATC to make arrangements to do it.
You are encouraged to get involved with your local club and we hope that some day your efforts will be rewarded by helping the NATC national series achieve even greater heights.